
北京伯樂(lè)生命科學(xué)發(fā)展有限公司上海辦事處 (上海天崛電子科技有限公司)



北京伯樂(lè)生命科學(xué)發(fā)展有限公司上海辦事處 (上海天崛電子科技有限公司)>>PCR類(lèi)>> PCR 擴(kuò)增儀

PCR 擴(kuò)增儀

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  • 北京伯樂(lè)生命科學(xué)發(fā)展有限公司上海辦事處 (上海天崛電子科技有限公司)
  • 2021-11-11 18:55:25
  • 上海市
  • 美國(guó)
  • 1539
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本公司長(zhǎng)期經(jīng)營(yíng)各大PCR類(lèi),價(jià)格實(shí)惠,質(zhì)量有保證.價(jià)格請(qǐng)咨詢?cè)诰€人員.全國(guó)統(tǒng)一訂購(gòu): 全國(guó)統(tǒng)一售后: 訂貨139_17814677


2700技術(shù)參數(shù) 1.溫度范圍:4.0-99.9℃ 2.溫度準(zhǔn)確性:正負(fù)0.25℃,35-100℃范圍 3.加熱冷卻速度:樣品實(shí)際平均溫度變化速度1℃/秒 4.靜態(tài)樣品基座溫度均勻性:正負(fù)0.5℃,35-100℃30秒 5.熱蓋:維持105℃溫度 技術(shù)文章此儀器沒(méi)有任何技術(shù)文章 主要特點(diǎn)1.藍(lán)色大屏幕液晶顯示屏,單屏顯示多達(dá)280字節(jié) 2.樣品基座基本配置為可更換型96孔基座 3.采用勢(shì)蓋防止蒸發(fā),因而操作時(shí)反應(yīng)管內(nèi)無(wú)需加石蠟油 4.采用銀合金材料制作樣品基座,溫度傳導(dǎo)更好 5.軟件容量大,可儲(chǔ)存多達(dá)100個(gè)完整的pcr方法 儀器介紹2700型pcr儀是為pcr核酸擴(kuò)增技術(shù)所設(shè)計(jì)的自動(dòng)化儀器,它具有abi公司9700型pcr儀的基本設(shè)計(jì)和2400型pcr儀的操作界面,用戶界面包括全數(shù)字式鍵盤(pán),軟觸摸按鍵和液晶圖表式大屏幕顯示屏。每個(gè)pcr方法運(yùn)行時(shí)其時(shí)間和溫度程序會(huì)實(shí)時(shí)動(dòng)態(tài)顯示,zui多可儲(chǔ)存100個(gè)完整的pcr方法。2700 型pcr儀采用96孔0.2ml管鋁制樣品基座。 采用與9600和9700同樣的反應(yīng)管。美國(guó)應(yīng)用生物系統(tǒng)公司 2720型pcr擴(kuò)增儀l 依賴于abi公司長(zhǎng)期制造pcr儀的經(jīng)驗(yàn)l 保證儀器性能的情況下,節(jié)省實(shí)驗(yàn)室空間l 功能強(qiáng)大的軟件來(lái)自于pcr技術(shù)*的成果聚合酶鏈?zhǔn)椒磻?yīng)(pcr)技術(shù)到現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)發(fā)展了二十年,被認(rèn)為是生命科學(xué)研究領(lǐng)域zui重要的成果之一。今天,pcr技術(shù)已經(jīng)成為生命科學(xué)研究實(shí)驗(yàn)室中*的一部分??v觀pcr技術(shù)的發(fā)展, applied biosystems(abi)公司始終處于pcr技術(shù)發(fā)展的,擁有*zui廣泛的pcr儀用戶,abi公司的pcr儀以其性能優(yōu)異、質(zhì)量可靠、極其耐用而享譽(yù)生命科學(xué)界。個(gè)性化的2720型pcr儀是abi公司型號(hào)的pcr儀,性能價(jià)格比極其*,對(duì)于很多的pcr應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域是一種理想的儀器,它代表了abi公司多年來(lái)在熱循環(huán)技術(shù)領(lǐng)域的zui高成就。憑借abi公司優(yōu)異的質(zhì)量保證2720型pcr儀性能穩(wěn)定可靠,能夠滿足*的客戶對(duì)abi公司熱循環(huán)儀的期望。在2720的儀器內(nèi)整合了很多9700的特點(diǎn)以保證其性能和可靠性,而2720的價(jià)格更優(yōu)惠大大節(jié)省實(shí)驗(yàn)室空間因?yàn)榭紤]到在大多數(shù)實(shí)驗(yàn)室里都是長(zhǎng)條式的實(shí)驗(yàn)臺(tái),abi設(shè)計(jì)的2720 pcr儀非常小巧。在僅21*36cm的地方整合了加熱和冷卻的半導(dǎo)體裝置。并且2720的排風(fēng)散熱裝置設(shè)計(jì)在儀器后部,這樣允許幾部pcr儀緊密的并排放置在長(zhǎng)條型的實(shí)驗(yàn)臺(tái)上功能強(qiáng)大的軟件2720型pcr儀的用戶界面類(lèi)似9700型,界面友好,操作簡(jiǎn)單。新的用戶很快就會(huì)熟練操作儀器。除了標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的軟件程序外,2720型pcr儀可計(jì)算tm值,以確定引物的退火溫度。在斷電的情況下,機(jī)器仍能保留這些數(shù)據(jù)。整體解決方案使您得到的實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果abi公司提供除了提供2720型pcr儀以外,,還提供的pcr試劑,反應(yīng)板,反應(yīng)管,管蓋等等,確保您得到的實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果。 9700型pcr擴(kuò)增儀(geneamp pcr system 9700)9700型pcr儀是為pcr核酸擴(kuò)增技術(shù)所設(shè)計(jì)的自動(dòng)化儀器,它具有abi公司(原pe公司) 9600型pcr儀的性能和2400型pcr儀的操作界面,用戶界面包括全數(shù)字式鍵盤(pán),軟觸摸按鍵和藍(lán)色液晶圖表式大屏幕顯示屏。每個(gè)pcr方法運(yùn)行時(shí)其時(shí)間和溫度程序會(huì)實(shí)時(shí)動(dòng)態(tài)顯示,zui多可儲(chǔ)存100個(gè)完整的pcr方法。9700pcr儀配置一個(gè)可更換的96孔0.2ml管樣品基座,將來(lái)也可配置其它樣品基座形式,包括使用0.5ml樣品管的樣品基座和使用384孔的樣品基座。 縱觀pcr技術(shù)的發(fā)展,abi公司始終處于pcr技術(shù)發(fā)展的地拉,擁有*zui廣泛的pcr儀用戶,abi公司的pcr儀以性能優(yōu)異、質(zhì)量可靠、極其耐用而享譽(yù)生命科學(xué)界。applied biosystems大大加速了現(xiàn)代生命科學(xué)技術(shù)發(fā)展的步經(jīng)銷(xiāo)美國(guó)abi公司各種pcr:2700(4.75萬(wàn))、2720(4.75萬(wàn))、9700(7.5萬(wàn))等均有現(xiàn)貨供應(yīng)。咨詢伯樂(lè)電泳系統(tǒng)protean ii inner plate, 20 cm cell, 20 x 20 cm, 2protean ii outer plate, 20 cm cell, 22.3 x 20 cm, 2ipg spacers, for protean ii xl cell, 1.0 mm, 4ipg spacers, for protean ii xl cell, 2.0 mm, 4ipg 2-d comb, for protean ii xl cell, 1.0 mmipg 2-d comb, for protean ii xl cell, 2.0 mmprotean ii xl alignment card, 2protean ii xi spacers, 16 cm x 0.5 mm, 4protean ii xi spacers, 16 cm x 0.75 mm, 4protean ii xi spacers, 16 cm x 1.0 mm, 4protean ii xi spacers, 16 cm x 1.5 mm, 4protean ii xi spacers, 16 cm x 3.0 mm, 4protean ii xi spacers, 20 cm x 0.5 mm, 4protean ii xi spacers, 20 cm x 0.75 mm, 4protean ii xi spacers, 20 cm x 1.0 mm, 4protean ii xi spacers, 20 cm x 1.5 mm, 4protean ii xi spacers, 20 cm x 3.0 mm, 4protean ii xi system, 16 cm, 1.5 mm, 100/120 vprotean ii xi system, 16 cm, 1.5 mm, 220/240 vprotean ii xi system, 16 cm, 1.0 mm, 100/120 vprotean ii xi system, 16 cm, 1.0 mm, 220/240 vprotean ii xi system, 20 cm, 1.5 mm, 100/120 vprotean ii xi system, 20 cm, 1.5 mm, 220/240 vprotean ii xi system, 20 cm, 1.0 mm, 100/120 vprotean ii xi system, 20 cm, 1.0 mm, 220/240 vprotean ii comb conversion screws, 10 comb conversion screws, 10 standard comb screwsprotean ii xi comb, 25-well, 0.75 mmprotean ii xi comb, 25-well, 1.0 mmprotean ii xi comb, 25-well, 1.5 mmprotean ii xi comb, 20-well, 0.5 mmprotean ii xi comb, 20-well, 0.75 mmprotean ii xi comb, 20-well, 1.0 mmprotean ii xi comb, 20-well, 1.5 mmprotean ii xi comb, 20-well, 3.0 mmprotean ii xi comb, 15-well, 0.5 mmprotean ii xi comb, 15-well, 0.75 mmprotean ii xi comb, 15-well, 1.0 mmprotean ii xi comb, 15-well, 1.5 mmprotean ii xi comb, 15-well, 3.0 mmprotean ii xi comb, 10-well, 0.5 mmprotean ii xi comb, 10-well, 0.75 mmprotean ii xi comb, 10-well, 1.0 mmprotean ii xi comb, 10-well, 1.5 mmprotean ii xi comb, 10-well, 3.0 mmprotean ii xi comb, 5-well, 1.0 mmprotean ii xi comb, 5-well, 1.5 mmprotean ii xi comb, 5-well, 3.0 mmprotean ii xi comb, 3-well, 1.5 mmprotean ii xi comb, blank, 0.75 mmprotean ii xi comb, blank, 1.0 mmprotean ii xi comb, blank, 1.5 mmprotean ii xi comb, blank, 3.0 mmprotean ii xi comb, 2-d, 1.0 mmprotean ii xi comb, 2-d, 1.5 mmprotean ii xi comb, 2-d, 3.0 mmprotean ii xi replacement gaskets, casting stand, 2protean ii xi replacement gaskets, cooling core, 2protean ii xi 2-d cell, 1.0 mm, 16 cmprotean ii xi 2-d cell, 1.5 mm, 16 cmprotean ii xi 2-d cell, 1.0 mm, 20 cmprotean ii xi 2-d cell, 1.5 mm, 20 cmprotean ii replacement gaskets, tube gel adaptor, 2protean ii xi multi-cellprotean ii xi multi-cell 2-d conversion kitprotean ii xi alignment cardgene pulser/micropulser cuvette, 0.4 cm gap, 5, sterilegene pulser/micropulser cuvette, 0.2 cm gap, 5, sterilegene pulser/micropulser cuvette, 0.1 cm gap, 5, sterilegene pulser/micropulser cuvette, 0.2 cm gap, 50, sterilegene pulser/micropulser cuvette, 0.4 cm gap, 50, sterilegene pulser/micropulser cuvette, 0.1 cm gap, 50, sterilegene pulser/micropulser cuvette, 0.4 cm gap, 500, sterilegene pulser/micropulser cuvette, 0.2 cm gap, 500, sterilegene pulser/micropulser cuvette, 0.1 cm gap, 500, sterilemicropulser electroporatorgene pulser ii shocking chambergene pulser xcell total system for eukaryotic & microbial cellsmini-protean ii red foam gaskets, casting stand, 2mini-protean ii gray gaskets, casting stand, 2mini-protean ii gray gaskets, electrode assembly, 2mini-protean ii inner glass plates, 7.3 x 10.2 cm, 10mini-protean ii outer glass plates, 8.3 x 10.2 cm, 10mini-protean ii frosted inner glass plates, 10mini-protean ii glass plates, 10 setsreplacement gaskets, mini-protean ii multi-casting chamber, 3mini-protean ii comb, 5-well, 0.5 mmmini-protean ii comb, 5-well, 0.75 mmmini-protean ii comb, 5-well, 1.0 mmmini-protean ii comb, 5-well, 1.5 mmmini-protean ii comb, 10-well, 0.5 mmmini-protean ii comb, 10-well, 0.75 mmmini-protean ii comb, 10-well, 1.0 mmmini-protean ii comb, 10-well, 1.5 mmmini-protean ii comb, 15-well, 0.5 mmmini-protean ii comb, 15-well, 0.75 mmmini-protean ii comb, 15-well, 1.0 mmmini-protean ii comb, 15-well, 1.5 mmmini-protean ii comb, 2-d/prep well, 0.75 mmmini-protean ii comb, 2-d/prep well, 1.0 mmmini-protean ii comb, 2-d/prep well, 1.5 mmmini-protean ii spacers, 0.5 mm, 4mini-protean ii spacers, 0.75 mm, 4mini-protean ii spacers, 1 mm, 4mini-protean ii spacers, 1.5 mm, 4mini-protean ii comb, 9-well, 0.5 mmmini-protean ii comb, 9-well, 0.75 mmmini-protean ii comb, 9-well, 1.0 mmmini-protean ii comb, 9-well, 1.5 mmmini-protean ii electrode assembly with gasketsmini-protean ii casting stand with gasketsmini-protean ii modulemini-protean ii clamp assembly, to cast 1 gelreplacement power cablesmini cell lid with power cablesbuffer tank and lid, for mini-protean ii and 3 cellsmini-protean 3 electrophoresis cellmini-protean 3 electrophoresis modulemini-protean 3 casting standmini-protean 3 casting framemini-protean 3 casting stand gasket, replacement, 2mini-protean 3 clamping framemini-protean 3 electrode assemblymini-protean 3 short plates, 5mini-protean 3 spacer plates, 0.5 mm spacers, 5mini-protean 3 spacer plates, 0.75 mm spacers, 5mini-protean 3 spacer plates, 1.0 mm spacers, 5mini-protean 3 spacer plates, 1.5 mm spacers, 5gel releaser, 5mini-protean 3 electrophoresis cell, 10-well, 1.0 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 10-well, 0.5 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 15-well, 0.5 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 5-well, 0.75 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 9-well, 0.75 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 10-well, 0.75 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 15-well, 0.75 mmmini-protean 3 comb, prep/2-d well, 0.75 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 5-well, 1.0 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 9-well, 1.0 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 10-well, 1.0 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 15-well, 1.0 mmmini-protean 3 comb, prep/2-d well, 1.0 mmmini-protean 3 comb, ipg well, 1.0 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 5-well, 1.5 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 9-well, 1.5 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 10-well, 1.5 mmmini-protean 3 comb, 15-well, 1.5 mmmini-protean 3 comb, prep/2-d well, 1.5 mmmini-protean 3 comb, ipg well, 1.5 mmmini-protean ii upgrade kitsequi-gen gt/powerpac 3000 system, 21 x 40 cm, 220/240 vsequi-gen gt/powerpac 3000 system, 21 x 50 cm, 220/240 vsequi-gen gt/powerpac 3000 system, 38 x 50 cm, 220/240 vsequi-gen gt/powerpac 3000 system, 38 x 30 cm, 100/120 vsequi-gen gt/powerpac 3000 system, 38 x 30 cm, 220/240 vsequi-gen gt system 21 x 40 cmsequi-gen gt system 21 x 50 cmsequi-gen gt system 38 x 30 cmsequi-gen gt system 38 x 50 cmpowerpac 3000 power supply, 220/240 vsypro orange fluorescent protein stain, 500 µlradiant red fluorescent rna stain, 10 mlsypro ruby protein gel stain, 1 lsypro ruby protein gel stain, 200 mlsypro ruby protein blot stain, 200 mlsypro ruby protein gel stain, 5 l cubefluorogard anti-fade reagentfluorace beta-galactosidase reporter assay kitfluorace beta-glucuronidase reporter assay kitiptg, 1 gnitrocellulose membrane disks, 82.5 mm, 50ep-max10b electro-competent cells, 5 x 0.08mlep-max10b f"" electro-competent cells, 5 x 0.08mlep-max10b t1-resistant electro-competent cells, 5 x 0.10mlc-max5α chemi-competent cells, 5 x 0.2mlc-max5α f"" chemi-competent cells, 5 x 0.2mlc-max5α chemi-competent cells, 10 x 0.05mlc-max5α f"" chemi-competent cells, 10 x 0.05mltransfectin lipid reagent, 0.5mltransfectin lipid reagent, 1.0mltransfectin lipid reagent, 5 x 1.0mlx-gal, 250 mgstreptavidin-ap, 0.5 mlmini trans-blot electrophoretic transfer cellmini trans-blot gel holder cassettemini trans-blot filter paper, thick, 7.5 x 10.5 cm, 50 sheetsmini trans-blot fiber pads, 8 x 11 cm, 4bio-ice cooling unitmini trans-blot module, without tank and lidextra-thick blot paper, cut to fit, 10 x 15 cm, 30 sheetsextra-thick blot paper, cut to fit, 15 x 15 cm, 30 sheetsextra-thick blot paper, cut to fit, 15 x 20 cm, 30 sheetsextra-thick blot paper, 7.5 x 10 cm, 60 sheetsextra-thick blot paper, 7 x 8.4 cm, 60 sheetsextra-thick blot paper, 8 x 13.5 cm, 60 sheetsextra-thick blot paper, 14 x 16 cm, 30 sheetsextra-thick blot paper, 18 x 18.5 cm, 30 sheetscomb, for sub-cell and wide mini-sub cells, 10-well, fixed height, 0.75 mmcomb, for sub-cell and wide mini-sub cells, 10-well, fixed height, 1.5 mmcomb, for sub-cell and wide mini-sub cells, 15-well, fixed height, 0.75 mmcomb, for sub-cell and wide mini-sub cells, 15-well, fixed height, 1.5 mmcomb, for sub-cell and wide mini-sub cells, 20-well, fixed height, 0.75 mmcomb, for sub-cell and wide mini-sub cells, 20-well, fixed height, 1.5 mmcomb, for sub-cell and wide mini-sub cells, 30-well, fixed height, 1.5 mmmini-sub cell gt system, with 7 x 10 cm tray, mini-gel casterwide mini-sub cell gt system, with 15 x 10 cm tray, mini-gel castersub-cell gt system, 15 x 10 cm tray, gel castersub-cell gt system, 15 x 15 cm tray, gel castersub-cell gt system, 15 x 20 cm tray, gel castersub-cell gt system, 15 x 25 cm tray, gel casterwide mini-sub cell gt system, 15 x 7 cm tray, mini-gel castermini-sub cell gt system, 7 x 7 cm tray, mini-gel casterimmun-star goat anti-mouse (gam)-ap detection kitimmun-star goat anti-rabbit (gar)-ap detection kitimmun-star ap substrate packimmun-star goat anti-mouse (gam)-ap intro kitimmun-star goat anti-rabbit (gar)-ap intro kitblotting reagents packblocker, nonfat dry milk, 10 gimmun-star ap substrateimmun-star ap enhancer de-expose background remover, 10x, 250mlimmun-star hrp substrate, 500 mlimmun-star hrp substrate, 100 mlimmun-star goat anti-rabbit (gar)-hrp detection reagentsimmun-star goat anti-mouse (gam)-hrp detection reagentsimmun-star goat anti-mouse (gam)-hrp detection kitimmun-star goat anti-rabbit (gar)-hrp detection kitimmun-star goat anti-rabbit (gar)-hrp conjugateimmun-star goat anti-mouse (gam)-hrp conjugatebiotinylated goat anti-rabbit igg (h + l), 1 mlblotting grade biotinylated ap, 1 mlblotting grade blocker, nonfat dry milk, 300 gblotting grade streptavidin, 1.0 mggoat anti-rabbit igg (h + l)-biotinprotein g-hrp, 1mlhrp conjugate substrate kitap conjugate substrate kitblot processing buffer, 10x tbs, 1litregoat anti-rabbit igg (h + l)-ap conjugategoat anti-mouse igg (h+l)-ap conjugategoat anti-human igg (h+l)-ap conjugategoat anti-rabbit igg (h + l)-hrp conjugategoat anti-mouse igg (h+l)-hrp conjugategoat anti-human igg (h+l)-hrp conjugateprotein a hrp conjugateprotein g hrp conjugatebiotin-blot total protein detection kitgoat anti-rabbit igg-hrp (h+l)goat ant-mouse igg-hrp (h+l)enhanced colloidal gold total protein stain, 500mlgoat anti-rabbit igg-ap (h+l)goat anti-mouse igg-ap (h+l)goat anti-human igg-ap (h+l)protein a-hrp conjugate, 1mlcolloidal gold total protein stain, 500mlavidin-hrp conjugate, 2mlnhs-biotin, 4mltween eia grade, 100mlap color reagent nbt, 600mghrp color development reagent, 4cn, 5 ghrp color development reagent, dab, 5 ggelatin, eia grade, 200 ggold enhancement kitap color development reagent, bcip, 300 mgamplisize molecular ruler20 bp molecular ruler100 bp molecular ruler500 bp molecular ruler1 kb molecular ruler2 kb molecular ruler100 bp pcr molecular rulerprecision molecular mass ruler100 bp fluorescein molecular ruler100 bp texas red molecular ruleropti-4cn substrate kitopti-4cn goat anti-rabbit detection kitopti-4cn goat anti-mouse detection kitamplified opti-4cn substrate kitamplified opti-4cn goat anti-rabbit detection kitamplified opti-4cn goat anti-mouse detection kit20 bp ez load molecular ruler20 bp ez load molecular ruler100 bp ez load molecular ruler100 bp ez load molecular ruler100 bp pcr ez load molecular ruler100 bp pcr ez load molecular ruler500 bp ez load molecular ruler500 bp ez load molecular ruler1 kb ez load molecular ruler1 kb ez load molecular rulerez load precision molecular mass rulerez load precision molecular mass rulerez load ht molecular marker 100bp-2kbez load ht molecular marker 500bp-10kbitaq sybr green supermix with rox, 200 reactions itaq sybr green supermix with rox, 500 reactions itaq sybr green supermix with rox, 1,000 reactions iq supermix, 100x50ul rxniq supermix, 500x50ul rxniq supermix, 1000x50ul rxnitaq dna polymerase, 250u, buffer, mgcl2mgcl2, 1ml of 50mm mgcl2dntp mix, 200ul, 10mm of each dntpitaq dna polymerase, 1ml of 5000u, 25ml buffer, 25ml mgcl2iq sybr green supermix, 100x50uliq sybr green supermix, 500x50uliq sybr green supermix, 1000x50ulisc-ript cdna synthesis kit, 25 rxnisc-ript cdna synthesis kit, 100 rxncomplete dcode system, pc, 220/240 vmycycler thermal cycler, 100-240v - manual, quick guidemycycler firmware upgrade kit, includes 170-9705 & usb hub, gradient keygoat anti-mouse hrp eia gr, 2mlrabbit anti-sheep igg-hrp (h + l), 1 mlgoat anti-rabbit igg-hrp (h + l), 1 mlgoat anti-human igg-hrp (g), 1 mlrabbit anti-goat igg-hrp (h + l), 1 mlrabbit anti-goat igg-ap (h + l), 1 mlgoat anti-human igg-hrp, 2 mlalkaline phosphatase substrate kithorseradish peroxidase substrate kittmb peroxidase eia substrate kit, 200 mltmb peroxidase eia substrate kit, 1 lsingle component tmb peroxidase eia substrate kit, 100 mlsingle component tmb peroxidase eia substrate kit, 1000 mlmouse typer isotyping kitmouse typer isotyping panelxcluda aerosol barrier pipet tips, sterile, style a, 960xcluda aerosol barrier pipet tips, sterile, style b, 960xcluda aerosol barrier pipet tips, sterile, style c, 960xcluda aerosol barrier pipet tips, sterile, style d, 960xcluda aerosol barrier pipet tips, sterile, style e, 960xcluda aerosol barrier pipet tips, sterile, style f, 1,000xcluda aerosol barrier pipet tips, sterile, style g, 1,000xcluda aerosol barrier pipet tips, sterile, style h, 1,000xcluda aerosol barrier pipet tips, sterile, style j, 960br-14 bulk tips, natural, 1,000br-26 bulk tips, natural, 1,000br-28 bulk tips, natural, 1,000br-31 bulk tips, natural, 1,000br-35 bulk tips, yellow, 1,000br-37 bulk tips, natural, 1,000br-38 bulk tips, yellow, graduated, beveled, 1,000br-39 bulk tips, natural, graduated, beveled, 1,000br-40 bulk tips, blue, 500br-41 bulk tips, natural, 500rbr-35 racked tips, yellow, 1,000mtp-26 racked tips, natural, 960mtp-35 racked tips, yellow, 960mtp-37 racked tips, natural, 960mtp-28-s racked tips, natural, sterile, 960mtp-35-s racked tips, yellow, sterile, 960mtp-37-s racked tips, natural, sterile, 960mtp-38 racked tips, yellow, graduated, beveled, 960mtp-38-s racked tips, yellow, sterile, graduated, 960enviropak-35 refill tips, 1–200 µl, yellow, 960enviropak-39 refill tips, 1–200 µl, natural, graduated, 960tbr-31 racked covered tips, natural, 1,000tbr-35 racked covered tips, yellow, 1,000tbr-40 racked covered tips, blue, 1,000tbr-41 racked covered tips, natural, 1,000tbr-14 racked covered tips, natural, 960titertube micro test tubes, nonsterile, 10 racks of 96titertube micro test tubes, bulk, 1,000titertube plugs, sterile polyethylene, 120 strips of 8titertube plugs, nonsterile polyethylene, 120 strips of 8titertube rack, holds 96 tubes, 10titertube micro test tubes, sterile, 10 racks of 96ez micro test tubes, 2 ml, natural, 50096-well 0.2 ml thin-wall pcr plates, 2596-well 0.2 ml pcr plate mats, 596-well 0.2 ml pcr plate caps, 300 stripsicycler optical sealing tape, 100 sheets0.6 ml thin-wall tubes, natural, 1,0000.2 ml thin-wall 8-tube strips, natural, 1200.2 ml thin-wall 8-cap strips, for #223-9469, 1200.2 ml thin-wall tubes, natural, 1,000/box0.2 ml thin-wall 12-tube strips, natural, 800.2 ml thin-wall 12-cap strips, for #223-9476, 80ez micro test tubes, 1.5 ml, natural, 500separate caps for micro test tubes, white, 1,000icycler 384-well pcr plate, 25micro test tubes, 1.5 ml, capless, natural, graduated, 500micro test tubes, 1.5 ml, standard, natural, 500ez micro test tubes, 0.5 ml, natural, 1,000clear polystyrene tubes, 13 x 100 mm, 1,000natural polypropylene tubes, 13 x 100 mm, 1,000seque/pro capillary pipet tips, in autoclavable rack, 200seque/pro capillary pipet tips, sterile, racked, 200prot/elec pipet tips, bulk, 1,000prot/elec pipet tips, racked, 960prot/elec pipet tips, racked, 1,000standard disposable polystyrene cuvettes, 3.5 ml, 100semimicro disposable polystyrene cuvettes, 1.5 ml, 100costar 96-well flat-bottom plates, polystyrene, 100conical tubes, 1.5 ml, nonsterile, separate screwcaps, 500conical tubes, 1.5 ml, sterile, installed screwcaps, 500skirted tubes, 2.0 ml, nonsterile, separate screwcaps, 500skirted tubes, 2.0 ml, sterile, installed screwcaps, 500conical tubes, 0.5 ml, sterile, installed screwcaps, 500skirted tubes, 0.5 ml, sterile, installed screwcaps, 500sterilized reagent reservoirs, polyethylene, 200laemmli sample buffer, 30 ml native sample buffer, 30 ml tricine sample buffer, 30 ml tbe/urea sample buffer, 30 ml ief sample buffer, 30 ml zymogram sample buffer, 30 ml nucleic acid sample buffer, 5x, 10 ml xt sample buffer, 4x, 10ml resolving gel buffer, 1.5 m tris-hcl, ph 8.8, 1 l stacking gel buffer, 0.5 m tris-hcl, ph 6.8, 1 l 10x tris/glycine/sds, 1 l 10x tris/glycine/sds, 5 l 10x tris/glycine, 1 l 10x tris/glycine, 5 l cube 10x tris/tricine/sds, 1 l 10x ief anode buffer, 250 ml 10x ief cathode buffer, 250 ml 10x tris/boric acid/edta, 1 l 10x tris/boric acid/edta, 5 l cube 10x tris/boric acid/edta, extended range, 1 l 50x tris/acetic acid/edta, 1 l 50x tris/acetic acid/edta, 5 l cube zymogram renaturation buffer, 125 ml zymogram development buffer, 125 ml xt mops running buffer, 20x, 500ml xt mes running buffer, 20x, 500ml xt tricine running buffer, 20x, 500ml xt sample buffer, 4x, 10ml xt reducing agent, 20x, 1ml xt mops buffer kit xt mes buffer kit xt tricine buffer kit 10x tris/caps, 1 l 20x ssc, 1 l 20x ssc, 5 l cube 10x pbs, 1 l 10% tween 20, 1 l blot processing buffer, 10x tbs, 1litre gelatin, eia grade, 200 g blotting grade blocker, nonfat dry milk, 300 g tween eia grade, 100ml 10% tween 20, 1 l 1x tbs/1% casein, 1 l 1x pbs/1% casein, 1 l 2-mercaptoethanol, 25 ml boric acid, 500 g boric acid, 1 kg citric acid, 100 g dithiothreitol, 1 g dithiothreitol, 5 g tributylphosphine (tbp), 200 mm, 0.6 ml iodoacetamide, 30 g edta, 100 g edta, 500 g glycine, 250 g glycine, 1 kg glycine, 2 kg sucrose, 1 kg tricine, 100 g tricine, 1 kg tris, 500 g tris, 1 kg urea, 250 g urea, 1 kg bromophenol blue, 10 g xylene cyanole ff, 25 g sds, 25 g sds, 100 g sds, 1 kg sds solution, 10% (w/v), 250 ml sds solution, 20% (w/v), 1 l triton x-100, 500 ml chaps, 1 g chapso, 1 g precision plus protein unstained standards, 100 applications precision plus protein all blue standards, 50 applications precision plus protein dual colour standards, 50 applications precision protein streptactin-hrp conjugate, 0.3 ml precision protein streptactin-ap conjugate, 0.3 ml precision plus protein standard plugs, unstained, 2 x 12 kaleidoscope prestained standards, 500 µl kaleidoscope polypeptide standards, 500 µl prestained sds-page standards, high range, 500 µl prestained sds-page standards, low range, 500 µl prestained sds-page standards, broad range, 500 µl sds-page standards, high range, 200 µl sds-page standards, low range, 200 µl sds-page standards, broad range, 200 µl polypeptide sds-page standards, 200 µl silver stain sds-page standards, high range, 200 µl silver stain sds-page standards, low range, 200 µl sds-page standards, sypro orange, broad range, 200 µl ief standards, pi range 4.45–9.6, 250 µl 2-d sds-page standards, 500 µl bio-lyte 3/10 ampholyte, 40%, 10 ml bio-lyte 3/10 ampholyte, 40%, 25 ml bio-lyte 3/5 ampholyte, 20%, 10 ml bio-lyte 4/6 ampholyte, 40%, 10 ml bio-lyte 4/6 ampholyte, 40%, 25 ml bio-lyte 5/7 ampholyte, 40%, 10 ml bio-lyte 5/7 ampholyte, 40%, 25 ml bio-lyte 6/8 ampholyte, 40%, 10 ml bio-lyte 6/8 ampholyte, 40%, 25 ml bio-lyte 7/9 ampholyte, 40%, 10 ml bio-lyte 8/10 ampholyte, 20%, 10 ml bio-lyte 5/8 ampholyte, 40%, 10 ml bio-lyte 5/8 ampholyte, 40%, 25 ml 100x readystrip buffer, for ph 7–10 ipg strip, 1 ml bio-lyte 3/10 ampholyte, 100x, 1 ml 100x readystrip buffer, for ph 6.8–8.3 ipg strip, 1 ml 100x readystrip buffer, for ph 5.5–6.7 ipg strip, 1 ml 100x readystrip buffer, for ph 4.7–5.9 ipg strip, 1 ml 100x readystrip buffer, for ph 3.5–5.1 ipg strip, 1 ml readyprep 2d cleanup kit readyprep reduction-alkylation kit total protein extraction kit aurum serum protein mini kit, 2pk aurum serum protein mini kit, 10 preps aurum affi-gel blue mini kit, 2pk aurum affi-gel blue mini kit, 25pk aurum affi-gel blue mini kit, 100pk readyprep sequential extraction kit soluble/insoluble protein extraction kit readyprep protein extraction kit (cytoplasmic/nuclear) readyprep protein extraction kit (membrane i) membrane protein extract kit ii readyprep protein extraction kit (signal) readyprep sequential extraction kit reagent 1, 1 vial readyprep sequential extraction kit reagent 2, 1 vial readyprep sequential extraction kit reagent 3, 1 vial readyprep 2-d rehydration/sample buffer 1 readyprep 2-d starter kit readyprep 2-d starter kit rehydration/sample buffer readyprep starter kit equilibration buffer i, with dtt readyprep starter kit equilibration buffer ii urea, 1 kg tris, 1 kg chaps, 1 g e. coli protein sample, lyophilized, 2.7 mg overlay agarose, 125ml readyprep overlay agarose, 50 ml quick start bradford protein assay kit 1, bsa standard quick start bradford protein assay kit 2, bovine gamma globulin standardquick start bradford protein assay kit 3, serum albumin standardquick start bradford protein assay kit 4, gamma globulin standardquick start bradford 1x dye reagent, 1 litre quick start bsa, 2mg/ml, 5x2ml tubes quick start bradford bovine serum albumin standard set, 2 x 2ml eachquick start bradford bovine gamma globulin standard, 2mg/ml, 5x2ml tubesquick start bradford bovine gamma globulin standard set, 2x2ml eachprotein assay kit i protein assay kit ii protein standard i, bovine gamma globulin, 1 bottle protein assay dye reagent concentrate, 450 ml protein standard ii, bovine serum albumin, 1 bottle dc protein assay kit i dc protein assay kit ii dc reagent a dc reagent b dc reagent s dc reagents package rc dc protein assay kit i, bovine igg standard rc dc protein assay kit ii, bsa standard rc reagent i, 250 ml rc reagent ii, 250 ml rc reagents package rc dc reagents package standard disposable polystyrene cuvettes, 3.5 ml, 100 semimicro disposable polystyrene cuvettes, 1.5 ml,

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