ar-882 非接觸式* |
non-contact infrared thermometer |
| ar-862a | ar-872 | ar-882 |
temperature range | -18℃~850℃ | -18℃~1250℃ | -18℃~1500℃ |
測溫范圍 | 0~1568℉ | 0~2282℉ | 0~2732℉ |
accuracy | ±2%or±2℃ | ±2%or±2℃ | ±2%or±2℃ |
測溫精確度 |
℃/℉ se-lection | √ | √ | √ |
℃/℉溫度單位轉換 |
distance spot ratio | 8:1 | 30:1 | 50:1 |
測量距離比率 |
data hold function | √ | √ | √ |
數據保持顯示功能 |
auto power shut off | √ | √ | √ |
自動關機功能 |
emissivity | 0.95pre-set | 0.1~0.99(可調) | 0.1~0.99(可調) |
發(fā)射率 |
backlight display se-lection | √ | √ | √ |
背光顯示選擇功能 |
laser target pointer se-lection | √ | √ | √ |
鐳射目標顯示選擇功能 |
average and difference function | √ | √ | √ |
平均值和溫差測量功能 |
max and min function | √ | √ | √ |
zui大、zui小值測量功能 |
high low temperature alarm setup | √ | √ | √ |
高低溫報警設定功能 |
data store/recall function | √ | √ | √ |
測量數據儲存功能(斷電記憶) |
response time & wavelengh | 500ms & (8-14)um | 500ms & (8-14)um | 500ms & (8-14)um |
響應時間和響應值長 |
repeatability | ±1%or±1℃ | ±1%or±1℃ | ±1%or±1℃ |
重復性 |
power | 9v alkaline battery | 9v alkaline battery | 9v alkaline battery | 供電 | 9v堿性電池 | 9v堿性電池 | 9v堿性電池 | lcd size | 37*35mm | 50*37mm | 50*37mm | lcd尺寸 | product color | yellow+black | yellow+black | red+black | 產品顏色 | 黃+黑 | 黃+黑 | 紅+黑 | product net weight | 210g | 300g | 300g | 產品凈重 | product size | 175*100*49mm | 200*138*57mm | 200*138*57mm | 產品尺寸 |
包裝方式1(中國) | 吸塑皮套包裝 | 彩盒包裝 | 彩盒包裝 |
標準外箱容量 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
標準外箱尺寸 | 55.0*45.0*32.5cm | 55.0*43.0*47.0cm | 55.0*43.0*47.0cm |
標準外箱毛重 | 14.7kg | 16.8kg | 16.8kg |
包裝方式2(other countries) | blister | gift box | gift box | standard quantity per carton | 40 | 20 | 20 | standard carton size | 62.0*44.2*28.0cm | 55.0*43.0*47.0cm | 55.0*43.0*47.0cm | standard carton gross weight | 8.41kg | 16.8kg | 16.8kg |