The Calcium Separation Set is required when conducting plus tests for Cadmium (852) in sample matrices that contain calcium or m由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s
The Calcium Separation Set is required when conducting plus tests for Cadmium (852) in sample matrices that contain calcium or magnesium in excess of 50 mg/L. Use of this set is in addition to digestion (using 890) when measuring total Cadmium.
Reduce Errors with Bar-coded Vials and RFID
No Reagent Blank Necessary
Innovative Vial and Reagent Delivery
Helpful package design
Reduce Errors with Bar-coded Vials and RFID
A unique barcode label on each Hach plus Vial Chemistry is automatically read by the spectrophotometer when used with Hach’s DR 6000™ UV-VIS Spectrophotometer or DR 3900™ Benchtop Spectrophotometer to identify the appropriate method and take the measurement. While increasing ease-of-use and speed of analysis, errors are significantly reduced. In addition, the user will receive a notification if shelf life of a plus test has been expired. The RFID tag on each plus box contains the lot specific Certificate of Analysis which can be read out with the DR 6000™ or DR 3900™ spectrophotometer.
Reduce Errors with Bar-coded Vials and RFID
A unique barcode label on each Hach plus Vial Chemistry is automatically read by the spectrophotometer when used with Hach’s DR 6000™ UV-VIS Spectrophotometer or DR 3900™ Benchtop Spectrophotometer to identify the appropriate method and take the measurement. While increasing ease-of-use and speed of analysis, errors are significantly reduced. In addition, the user will receive a notification if shelf life of a plus test has been expired. The RFID tag on each plus box contains the lot specific Certificate of Analysis which can be read out with the DR 6000™ or DR 3900™ spectrophotometer.
No Reagent Blank Necessary
The high quality of plus vials, tight reagent production controls, 10-fold absorbance readings averaged for results determination, instrument calibration verification, and high instrument stability all combine to eliminate the need to run reagent blanks—saving you time and money!
Innovative Vial and Reagent Delivery
plus vials use innovative DosiCaps that are easier to use than powder pillows or liquid reagents. There’s no risk of spillage, no safety risk, or risk of contamination with DosiCaps because the reagents are compley contained within the vial cap. The glassware used assures the best precision and the vials have a flat bottom so they can stand on their own.
Helpful package design
Packages of plus vials are color-coded for fast and easy parameter and range recognition for the exact test you need. Step-by-step illustrated test methods are printed on the box for quick reference. Instructions in simple multiple language formats, included in each carton, facilitates use by a diverse labor force.