安裝 / 使用方法及開關功能(Installation method and function of switch)
(1)安裝 / 使用方法(Installation method)
(A floor is strong,and please install equipment in the place
that is a level)
(Please run a brake of a wheel for a transfer installed in the
bottom of equipment.)
3) 請組裝擋水板、接料板、送料板、出料板。
(Construction for water cover,skin out shoot,in-shoot,out-shoot.)
4) 連接電源(Please connect the power.)
5) 水閥上連接水管后后鎖緊。
(Connect water hose to a ball valve,and join decreases in a band)
6) 打開電源,請確認MOTOR的旋轉方向是否正確。
(ON does a switch and confirms whether revolution course of
a motor is with forword/opposite course.)
7) 確認供應水是否正常以后,按開始按鈕確認滾軸旋轉方向
是否正常。(I confirm whether water is normally supplied
with and press an operation button and confirm whether roller
revolution course is with normality and use.)
- 拖措及順序方法
- 刀架前端往上翹起時:
- 因為被堅硬異物受損翹上去的,需要把凸出的部分磨平。
- 刀板蓋彎曲時:
- 一般往上彎曲,刀板蓋上墊付布料以后用錘子整平。
- 滾軸(主軸),刀架前端狀態(tài):
- 確認主軸鈍化狀態(tài)、刀架前端損壞狀態(tài),如嚴重需要更換。
- 刀架前端往上翹起時: