6kV~35kV 中低壓銅芯及鋁芯交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣電力電纜(YJV電纜,YJV22電纜,YJLV電纜,YJLV22電纜)
XLPE Insulated Power Cable
中低壓交聯(lián)電纜產(chǎn)品標準 Standard
YJV22-8.7/10KV高壓電力電纜價格 本產(chǎn)品按GB12706《額定電壓35V及以下銅芯、鋁芯塑料絕緣電力電纜》標準生產(chǎn),同時還可根據(jù)用戶需要按電工委員會推薦標準IEC、英國標準、德國標準及美國標準生產(chǎn)。
The product is manufactured according to the standard of《GB12706 or IEC、BS、DIN and ICEA upon request.
適用范圍 Applications
The product is suitable for use in power transmission and distribution lines with rated power frequency voltage 3.6/6kv~26/35kv.
使用特性 Operating characteristics
· 工頻額定電壓U0/U為3.6/6kv~26/35kv。
Rated power-frepuency voltage U0/U: 3.6/6kv~26/35kv.
· 電纜導體的zui高允許工作溫度:90℃。
Max.admissible operating temperature of the conductor:90℃.
· 短路時(zui長時間不超過5s)電纜導體的zui高溫度不超過2500C。
Max. short-circurt temperature of conductor shall not exceed 2500C.
(5s maximum duration)
· 電纜敷設(shè)時環(huán)境溫度應不低于00C。
The ambient temperature under installation should not below 00C.
· 電纜彎曲半徑:三芯電纜不小于電纜外徑15倍;單芯電纜不小于電纜外徑20倍。
The bending radius of a single-core cable should not less than 20 times of the cable diameter.
The bending radius of a single-core cable should not less than 15 times of the cable diameter.
電纜額定電壓的選擇 Voltage designation
· 電纜的額定電壓應適合于電纜系統(tǒng)的運行狀況,用U0/U(Um)kv表示。
The rated voltage of the cable for a given applixation shall be suitable for the operating conditions
in the system in which the cable is used,and is expressed in the form of U0/U(Um)kv
U0-The rated power-frequency voltage between conductors and earth metallic screen ,for which the cable designed;
U - The rated power-frequency voltage between conductos, for which the cable designed;
Um- The maximum value of the“highest system voltage”for which the equipment may beused.
· 三相系統(tǒng)用電纜的U0值推薦如下表:
The values of U0 recommened for cable to be used in three-phase systems are listed below: