食品攪面鉤簡介: 該食品攪面鉤可用于加工面包、面團、披薩等面食。鉤子的設計帶有螺旋形,機器運轉時面團不斷上、下翻轉擠壓。使其將面團的韌性,充分挖掘出,做出的面食有彈性、口感好。
攪面鉤用途: ◆ 精心設計的曲率,令面團在揉制過程中不會沿攪面鉤跑出攪拌桶。 ◆ 結合攪拌軸的行星式運動,令面團均勻混合。 ◆ 揉制動作輕柔,不同面團亦能迅速高效揉制成型。 ◆ 不銹鋼制成,堅固耐用,持久保持出廠時的幾何曲率。 ◆ 標準化卡銷,裝拆迅速,替換方便。
食品攪面鉤技術參數(shù): 材質:不銹鋼材質
設備保養(yǎng)及簡單說明: 定期卸下清洗、保持內外清潔。
備注:以上設備及配套部件除公司原有規(guī)格外,也可根據(jù)客戶提供的要求生產。 Stir surface hook profile: Stir surface hook can be used in the food processing bread, pasta, pizza, pasta, etc. The design of the hook with a spiral, machine when the dough is upper and lower roll extrusion. Make the dough tenacity, fully excavated, make pasta flexible and good taste. Stir surface hook use: Mixer designed curvature, in the process of kneading the dough won't run out along the stirring hook stirring barrels. Combining with the stirring shaft of planetary motion, make the dough evenly mixed. In pieces gently knead brake, knead the dough can efficiently make different type. Pieces of stainless steel, durable, lasting keep factory with geometric curvature. Standardized card pin, quick installation, easy replacement. Stir surface hook technology parameters: Material: stainless steel material Equipment maintenance and simple instructions: Periodically remove cleaning, keep clean inside and outside. Note: the above equipment and related parts in addition to the company the original specification, also can according to the requirements of customers to provide production. |
◆ 表面涂裝設備
◆ 燃汽、燃油、電熱熱風固化爐
◆ 整廠液體粉體涂裝生產線
◆ 噴粉房及回收系統(tǒng)
◆ DISK靜電噴房
◆ UV 快速固化機
◆ 噴淋式、浸槽式前處理系統(tǒng)
◆ 木器、家具涂裝烤漆設備
◆ 電子生產設備
◆ 食品生產線
◆ 懸吊式輸送線
◆ 恒溫恒濕凈化車間
◆ 東莞雀巢咖啡、美極公司(機電設備安裝。外資)
◆ 華嘉食品有限公司(食品生產線。港資)
◆ 江門達能餅干有限公司(食品生產線。外資)
◆ 東莞生益科技股份有限公司(電子設備。港資)
◆ 東莞康氏集團(粉體涂裝設備。外資)
◆ 雅新電子有限公司(無塵車間安裝。臺資)
◆ 東莞寶利高電子有限公司(手機自動化噴涂線、廢水廢氣處理。港資)
◆ 東莞成功有限公司(氟碳噴涂設備。港資)