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NY-835 Jar Top Surface and Round Body Two Sides Labeling Machine

  • 公司名稱福建省南運(yùn)包裝機(jī)械有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號(hào)
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時(shí)間2022/12/9 13:22:34
  • 訪問(wèn)次數(shù)250



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福建省南運(yùn)包裝機(jī)械有限公司成立于2004年,是一家專業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)、開(kāi)發(fā)、生產(chǎn)貼標(biāo)機(jī)、打碼機(jī)、激光打標(biāo)機(jī)及相關(guān)產(chǎn)品的制造商和出口商?,F(xiàn)有員工130余人,占地面積46609平方米,年生產(chǎn)能力16500臺(tái)。我們所有的產(chǎn)品都符合國(guó)際質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn),并在世界各地的各種不同市場(chǎng)中廣受贊譽(yù)。 NY產(chǎn)品包括日期打碼機(jī)、熱轉(zhuǎn)印打印機(jī)、激光打標(biāo)機(jī)、噴墨打印機(jī)、貼標(biāo)機(jī)、打孔機(jī)、理瓶機(jī)、壓蓋機(jī)、封瓶機(jī)、旋蓋機(jī)、封箱機(jī)、金屬檢測(cè)機(jī)、重量檢測(cè)機(jī)、自動(dòng)化生產(chǎn)線、熱墨輥、燙金箔、黃銅字,廣泛應(yīng)用于食品、醫(yī)藥、飲料、化妝品、生活用紙等諸多領(lǐng)域。 NanYun company elected as National High & New Technology Enterprise, honored as province famous brand, gained more than 20 domestic patents and passed the CE, ISO 9001 certification, NY brand machine sell well across the country and also exported to America, Spain, Australia,意大利、印度等30多個(gè)國(guó)家和地區(qū)。 我們也歡迎OEM和ODM訂單。無(wú)論是從我們的目錄中選擇當(dāng)前產(chǎn)品還是為您的應(yīng)用尋求工程幫助,請(qǐng)隨時(shí)與我們聯(lián)系。我們熱忱歡迎世界各地的客戶與我們合作,互惠互利,共同發(fā)展。
NY-835 Jar Top Surface and Round Body Two Sides Labeling Machine 產(chǎn)品信息

NY-835 Automatic Top Flat Surface labeling and Side Round Bottle Labeling Machine

For NY-835, We have three different models called NY-835A, NY-835B and NY-835C. They are difference in positioning function and bottle with taper or not; NY-835A only can label round products body side single sticker without positioning function; However, NY-835B model can work for round bottle with positioning function, single sticker or double stickers modes at option; And NY-835C same as NY-835B with positioning function, just NY-835C work for taper round bottle or jar.

NY-835 is designed based on NY-817 top surface labeling machine and NY-822A/B/C round bottle side labeling machine, always we suggest clients order two labeling machine separately with more flexible application, we can turn off the other system any time if not need. It can label products in various of requirements.
A: Top surface labeling and square bottle side labeling;
B: Top surface and round bottle side labeling;
C: Round bottle one sticker labeling;
D: Round bottle single or double sticker with positioning;
E: Round bottle single or double sticker without positioning;
F: Taper Round bottle single or double sticker labeling with positioning;
That is to say, as professional and scale production factory, we not only have advantage in price but also own flexible design ability as requested.


NY-835 Full Automatic Top and Side Labeling Machine applies to regular rectangles, square objects such as box, bags, etc on the top and side labeling, high efficiency with two labeling head working at same time.

It applies to labeling of various round body jar can and square bottles box that can stand up to realize top surface labeling and round side labeling. Widely used in food, medicine, daily chemical, electronic, metal, plastics and other industries.

We can supply you the optional operation table, date coding machine or inkjet printer, which can be connected directly with the labeling machine, It also can match with other metal detection, weight checker machine or carton sealing conveyor.

Technology Data:



Production capacity

10-35 pcs/min

Accuracy of labeling


Range of application products


height: 25-300mm

Range of application label

length: 20-320mm

width: 20-110mm

Diameter of paper roll

inner diameter Φ76mm

external diameter max.Φ280mm

Power supply

AC220V 50/60Hz 1.2KW

Machine size (L x W x H)




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