



  • 公司名稱常州市先飛包裝設(shè)備科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號(hào)GNC-6L型
  • 所  在  地常州市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 更新時(shí)間2015/6/24 13:36:39
  • 訪問次數(shù)21250


聯(lián)系我們時(shí)請(qǐng)說明是 食品機(jī)械設(shè)備網(wǎng) 上看到的信息,謝謝!


Changzhou Xianfei Packing Equipment Technology Co.,Ltd. is first concentrates the agricultural chemicals, chemical, food, the medicine, the packing machinery development, the development, the manufacture a body modernized science and technology enterprise. The manufacture product has the rotation type series racking machine, in-line series racking machine, the environmental protection series racking machine, the completely automatic pressure thick liquid racking machine, the double headed single end semiautomatic pressure thick liquid racking machine, the completely automatic intellectualization level -like compound membrane packed in bags packaging machine, the rotation type series turns on lathe covers machine, in-line series turns on lathe covers machine, the sealing machine, the aluminum foil seal, tight Ge Ji as well as does not do the rubber placard to sign machine, the agglutination type placard signs machine, the heat contracts the membrane machine and enters the bottle machine, the conveyer, the packing work table and so on the altogether more than 30 varieties, above each type widely uses in profession packing and so on the agricultural chemicals, chemical industry, food, medicine.

Has flown the company since to found first devotes emphatically to the agricultural chemicals, chemical, food, the medicine packing mechanical device development development, unceasingly puts in the new product to the market, meets the different customer need. The company has one batch to produce a technical personnel experienced, has agricultural chemicals packing machinery specialized engineer three, moreover invitation senior engineer two, is engaged in the packing machinery development, the development, designs above for 15 years to work, has the quite rich experience and develops the designed capacity, develops the product majority of has all realized the light, machine, the electricity, the gas integration programmable (PLC) intellectualization procedure control, the partial product technology leading colleague, the automaticity is high, the structure is simple, quality stable reliable, modelling artistic novel, the variety is complete.

First the flier always take the science and technology as a power, take user satisfaction as the basis, explores and develops, innovates unceasingly, sincere is you provides a more perfect service, the flier believes firmly first, your success - flies first development.


粘稠液體灌裝機(jī) 產(chǎn)品信息



This machine uses the special Three Contacts to fill installs the valve, is suitable fills the attire in Shui Ji and the paste frost class product, specially to macroviscosity material (for example kind of clothes medicinal preparation, deflocculant and so on) the effect quite is obvious, also the precision is high.

This machine uses the PLC programmable control, matches by 6 inch touching screen man-machine contact surface system, implements enters the bottle automatically, fills the attire automatically, is automatic the bottle, the electric appliance, the air operated Yuan part uses the international brand, has guaranteed the splendid quality and the lasting stable performance.

This machine provided had prevented the dripping of a water clock and the wiredrawing filled install in low spirits, after guaranteed fills the attire to finish does not have the dripping of a water clock, did not have the wiredrawing.

全自動(dòng)壓力式      Technical parameter
1.Fills installs the scope: 50-500ml
2.Fills installs the speed: 0-60 bottle/Minute
3.Measuring accuracy: In ±1%
4.Work barometric pressure: 6-8 kilogram
5.External dimensions: 2000×800×1750 mm


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